This captivating novel centres around the lives of two sisters. Fern Castle lives a cautious life. She works at the local library, and she avoids crowds, bright lights and loud noises as much as she can. After a childhood incident resulted in another child’s death, Fern knows she must keep to her carefully structured life, or it could be dangerous for others around her. Her twin sister Rose is her rock, and she has dinner with her three nights a week. Without Rose, Fern doesn’t know what she would do.
When Rose finds out that she can’t have a baby, Fern decides this is her chance to pay her sister back for all the support she gives her. She decides to have a baby for Rose. Fern thinks it through and decides all she needs to do is find a man to help her produce a baby. That day she meets a young man at the library, and she thinks he could be the one to help her with her mission. Her decision to have a baby for her twin sister will change everything and stir up dark secrets from the past.
The Good Sister is an original and compelling story with loads of twists and turns. I can’t really reveal anything about what happens next, but by the end of the book, nothing is what it appeared to be at the beginning. It’s the perfect blend of an unlikely love story and suspense. This is a family drama that is a very satisfying read!
Macmillan Publishers