In a follow up to the stunning first in the series, Pipi and Pou and the Raging Mountain Tipene returns with the second book Pipi and Pou and the River Monster. These two main characters, Pipi and Pou, are - for all intents and purposes - pretty normal. Apart from their shapeshifting abilities and incredibly strong connections to the world around them as kaitiaki for their environment.
Tipene is an accomplished writer and has found, in this series, an outlet to bring together his two loves of wonderful writing, and exposing more and more young people in Aotearoa to the magic and joy of te ao Māori and the mythology and magic that lies within.
In this episode, Pipi and Pou are faced with a new adventure, this time it's a River Monster (taniwha) that needs their assistance. Once again, the wonderful character of nan is central to the cousins work in assisting the world around them, and once again there is an action packed adventure waiting for them.
The personalities of the two main characters come out more in this second book. Pou, more of a bookworm than an adventurous soul, is caught between his love to stay home and read his favourite novel and attending to his nan’s expectations to assist. But once he is out among the flora and fauna, he comes alive and takes his role very seriously.
Trouble in the river speaks within the novel parallels the issues that face our environment right now, pollution and lack of care is affecting everything around, creating a strong message for our young people.
A really enjoyable and relatable story by Tipene here. There’s a hidden truth and a real sense of importance that is imparted to students through this process.
Reviewer: Chris Reed
One Tree House