New Zealander Dick Tripp has written a wonderful account of his parents lives in his book The Hero from Nithdale Station.
The book is mainly about his father, Charlie Tripp, aka ‘The Boss’, who bought the Nithdale Station near Gore in 1924. He did the hard work developing this huge station into the stunning property it is today. Charlie was clearly a man of high moral standards and with impressive leadership qualities. These qualities came to the fore when he led the First Commando Fiji Guerrillas in World War II. The end of the book is page-turning, as Charlie leads his commandos, New Zealanders, Fijians and Tongans in the heart of the battles with the Japanese in the Solomon Islands. Charlie Tripp was awarded a Silver Star by the Americans for his war efforts.
But the book is also about Myra Tripp, his mother, who was a tireless worker in her community and who was awarded a QSM for her work.
This is what Dick Tripp says in the book, ‘My parents were an exceptional couple. Their characters in the local community, the farming world and in a much wider sphere were significant.’
Although a slim book, this is a great read and highlights an impressive couple and their achievements – their grit and determination, their humour and humanity, and the legacy they created. It is a valuable biography that will inspire others of a Southland farmer taming the country, of his wife’s work in the community, and the action-adventure of a war hero.
Reviewer: Karen McMillan
Wild Side Publishing, RRP $24.99