This is the story of a boy who loves to imagine stories and write them down. But when he writes them the teacher puts red marks all over his work and then he doesn’t want to write anymore…until one day he gets a teacher who is a bit different.
I can relate to this a lot! As a creative person as a writer and a producer there is nothing that can curb the creativity process more than someone telling you what is wrong your work during the process of creating.
I read this book to my three year old son and he was just fascinated that this little boy created all of these ideas on his own, that he could write and draw whatever he wanted.
The illustrations match the tone of the story perfectly, and as a mother, imagination is one of my most passionate topics so it was so great to show my son that you can write, draw and create your own world on paper as well as in play.
This book is also a reminder that we need to give ourselves and our little ones the space to create and there is always a time to critic later.
Reviewer: Chrissy Metge
HarperCollins, RRP $24.99