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Milly and the Mulberry Tree by Vikki Conley

When Milly and Papa plant a mulberry tree, Milly has no idea how magical and inspiring the tree will become. From nurturing silkworms to making magic potion mulberry ice cream, the mulberry tree becomes the centre around which Milly’s life turns. Then, Milly grows older, and finds herself travelling to new and exciting places. She discovers the fabric her silkworms created, and builds a life in a beautiful, faraway land. But she never forgets the magic of the mulberry tree, and always longs to return.

Inspired by the 100-year-old mulberry tree that grows in the author's own childhood garden, this book highlights the importance of exploring new worlds as we grow, while keeping home close to your heart.

Author Vikki Conley's heartfelt narrative is written in prose, with lots of figurative language. Conley uses metaphor, alliteration and similes together with descriptive verbs and adjectives to build a strong connection between Milly, nature and home.

Inspired by the 100-year-old mulberry tree that grows in the author’s own childhood garden, this is a book full of heart and joy that will be a delight for families to share.

Illustrator Deb Hudson matches the sweet story with colourful, whimsical drawings. The bright pink cover makes it pop from the shelf, and the contrast and colour continues within. Hudson includes plenty of cute details that will capture younger readers' attention, the cat was a particular favourite in our household.

Children who love playing outdoors, or who have their own special hideaway, will delight in the vibrant illustrations, the playful prose, and the memories Milly makes under her beloved mulberry tree. The book makes a great starting point for discussions about what home means, family traditions and nature.

Milly and the Mulberry Tree is a sweet story about the magic of home, nature, and seeing the wonder in everywhere we go.

Reviewer: Rebekah Lyell

EK Books


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