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Folded by Tina Clough

The latest and thrilling instalment in the Hunter Grant Series from Tina Clough, Folded, once again features the unforgettable couple Hunter and Dao. Hunter is ex-army and first encountered Dao after she had been enslaved for years. Friendship turned into romance, and now they are a formidable team with her keen intellect and uncanny observational skills, and his combat and surveillance experience.

It all starts with Grace, a quiet, reserved woman finding notes folded into origami notes outside a city apartment building, the author of the notes in desperate trouble. Or are the notes a scam of some sort? Grace shares the notes with a work colleague, Linda, but then Grace abruptly resigns and disappears, and Linda worries that there has been foul play. Linda approaches Hunter and Dao after getting nowhere with the police, and they reluctantly agree to help find the missing woman.

But they immediately face considerable obstacles. Inspector Bakker takes instant exception to Hunter’s involvement and threatens to arrest him for interfering with the investigation. After a separate meeting with another individual, a lawyer’s letter arrives, demanding they ‘cease and desist.’ But they continue to investigate, putting both of their lives in grave danger.

Like the other books in the series, each can be read as a standalone, but if you read all three books in order, you will be rewarded with the growing relationship between Hunter and Dao, a compelling part of these engaging books. This is a novel that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the last page. I can’t wait for Hunter and Dao’s next case.

Reviewer: Karen McMillan

Lightpool Publishing, RRP $35.00

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