1. Read a book from the year you were born.
2. Read the original book from a film you have seen.
3. Read a graphic novel based on a book or short story.
4. Then read the original story. Or try it the other way around, story first then graphic novel.
5. Read a book set in the place you were born.
6. Read the biography of someone whose name you recall from your childhood.
7. Read a book set in another world.
8. Read a ghost story.
9. Read a book of poetry.
10. Read a book set in South America.
11. Read a play.
12. Read another book by someone you were made to read at school.
13. Read a modern book based on a play by Shakespeare.
14. Read a book from the ManBooker Longlist from 2017.
15. Read a book by someone who has won the Pulitzer Prize.
16. Read a book written in the 1800s.
17. Read a book that was banned when it was first published.
18. Read a book of history about a country you have never visited.
19. Read a book written by a New Zealand author.
20. Read a short story.
21. Read one short story every day for a month.
22. Read a book written by a French author.
23. Read a thriller set in Scandinavia.
24. Read a historical novel that is completely made up.
25. Read a novel about real events.
26. Read a biography of someone famous.
27. Read a love story.
28. Read a book set in New York.
29. Read a book by someone who has the same name as you.
30. Read a fantasy book.
31. Read the biography of a famous artist.
32. Pick a letter of the alphabet and then read a book from a country that begins with that letter (but don’t choose X).
33. Read a book by an Australian author.
34. Read a book which has spies in it.
35. Re-read a book that you read as a child.
36. Read a collection of short stories.
37. Read the book that was made into a film that won the Best Picture Oscar.
38. Make a recipe from your favourite cook book
39. Make a recipe from a really old cook book.
40. Read a book about an animal.
41. Read a book where the main character has the same name as one of your friends.
42. Read a book set somewhere you have been on holiday.
43. Read a book with a cat on the cover.
44. Read a book where a character has had a job that you have done.
45. Read a book about a road trip.
46. Read a book about a Pop group
47. Read a book about a sports hero.
48. Read a book with a item of food in the title.
49. Read a motivational book.
50. Read a book set in the future.
Marcus Hobson