From the opening pages, I was perplexed as to why Rose Gold would even consider letting her mother, Patty stay with her. After five years in prison for abusing Rose Gold, Patty is released and attempts to reconcile with her daughter.
For 18 years, Rose Gold was led to believe she was sick. She thought she needed the feeding tube, surgeries and the wheelchair. Turns out her mum, Patty, is a cunning liar. She was poisoning her daughter and starving her, for almost two decades.
The Recovery of Rose Gold begins where most Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy (MSBY, or factitious disorder imposed on another, FDIA) stories end – the realisation that the victim is not ill, but has been made to appear ill by a carer.
While her mother was incarcerated, Rose Gold began to create a new life for herself. Following her release, Patty wants to move in with her daughter and help care for her baby grandson. When Rose Gold agrees to her moving in, it appears that their relationship is healing.
Quickly, Patty tries to regain control of her daughter, however Rose Gold is no longer as weak as she once was. Rose Gold is determined to be free of her manipulative mother. Mother or daughter? Who will get what they want?
“It’s easy to demonize Patty, but she also has her own backstory and complications. There are reasons that she acts the way she does,” says Stephanie, explaining that people with MSBP were almost always abused or severely neglected when they were children.
This chilling thriller is a compelling read featuring two complex and intriguing characters. It’s not surprising that author Lee Child describes it as ‘sensationally good’ and JP Delaney says its ‘dazzling and dark.’ It certainly is an unsettling tale of obsession and revenge, highly recommended.
Author, Stephanie Wrobel grew up in Chicago but now lives in the United Kingdom. This is her first novel and you can follow her online.
Reviewer: Andrea Molloy
Michael Joseph, RRP $37.00