Dr Katarina Holliday thought once she finished medical school and was working at a Sydney hospital the hardest years were finally over. However, Dr Holliday, or Kitty as she is known, is in for a rude shock. As she attempts to survive on the ward, in the operating theatre and emergency department, she can’t believe the expectations placed on her. Soon, she finds herself seriously questioning the vocation she had intended to devote her life.
Going Under is a rare and authentic insight into the daily life of a female intern. It is unflinching in its reality of being a doctor and deftly explores life, death, power and love.
Despite the serious subject, Going Under is as darkly funny and seductive as it is eye-opening. Going Under is a compelling read and despite never having had a desire to work in the medical profession, I didn’t want to put the book down. As promised in the blurb, I was gripped from the very first page and feverishly read until I was finished!
Kindness is so important says GP and author, Sonia Henry. Two years ago, Sonia wrote an anonymous article about the extraordinary pressures places on trainee doctors. It went viral and the conversations it started are continued in her novel.
Sonia lives in Sydney where she works as a doctor. She is passionate about the themes explored in her debut novel and advocates for change in the medical system.
Her book dedication says it all, “this book is for all the doctors who have every felt lost or alone inside a system that should care for you better.”
Reviewer: Andrea Molloy
Allen & Unwin, RRP $32.99